Monday, January 29, 2007

The golden history of Bihar - an epitome

I was delirious to accidentally find the well maintained official website of Bihar. I spent close to an hour browsing through it, mostly reading about the state and I was delighted by the prospect. I got lost somewhere in the reminiscence of my school days; the urge to memorize as much as I can for the History exams and still being panic stricken at the very thought of forgetting even a single date and loose the complete chronological order of events. But this time it was different. A sense of satisfaction surged through my mind after reading about the history I vaguely remembered and the facts I always feel proud of. You can read the epitome here and you can visit the official website here.


Anonymous,  2/5/07, 2:22 PM  


your description is very poetic - straight from the heart

Vikash Kumar 2/5/07, 6:41 PM  

Thank you for your kind remarks. I would be able appreciate it more if you could reveal your identity :)

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